European, Certifiable, Affordable, User-oriented, Secure, Integration-able, Scalable quantum key distribution solutions, will design, develop and industrialize key components for quantum key distribution (QKD) systems. The main focus of the project will be an interoperable DV-QKD module and key management system (KMS). To elaborate on this, we want to reach an easy to implement and use, certifiable and scalable QKD systems, establish a resilient European supply chain for DV-QKD technology and reach a cost-efficient and repeatable serial manufacturing on an industrial level.
Our rapidly evolving digital world needs a transformation of cryptography towards quantum-safe solutions. Quantum key distribution (QKD) is the only known key exchange mechanism not subject to the “store now decrypt later” attack. It thus guarantees the unprecedented long-term security required in many applications. The current QKD technology is mature, can be integrated and combined with existing infrastructure, and has meaningful use cases. However, existing products are still too expensive, require too much integration effort, and are not certified.
eCAUSIS will develop and build an advanced and mature QKD module and a cryptographic key management software along the following lines:
- Certification and standardization
- Costs: reduction of costs and footprint of the optics; high automation of production processes to reduce costs for higher volumes
- Ease of integration and use
- Industrialization and exploitation
- Europeanness: optics from European suppliers and manufacturers; the supply chain and the manufacturing capacities established in the EU.
eCAUSIS is a direct opportunity for the EU to exploit and build on 20 years of QKD experience for a resilient and sovereign Europe.
Project value: EUR 6 960 007.48
Funding amount: EUR 4 523 868.99
“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”