Science Carrier MTCA / µTCA White Rabbit by Creotech


AFCZ is flexible dual FMC carrier in MTCA standard, based on ZU7EV SoC device.

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20210625 CREOTECH01428 kopia_AFCZ_CARRIER
20210625 CREOTECH01427 kopia_AFCZ_CARRIER

AFCZ Module offers flexible clocking circuit, configurable gigabit transceiver configuration and support for White Rabbit time synchronization and RTM modules.

Technical Parameters

Functional Specifications:

  • XCZU7CG-1FFVF1517E device
  • 3 DDR4 banks: 72bit (PS), 64bit (PL) and 16bit (PL)
  • dual FLASH boot (main and spare)
  • FLASH upgrade via MMC
  • Open MMC support
  • MMC access to the PORT0/PORT1 Ethernet via embedded L2 switch
  • flexible low jitter clock crossbar
  • dual FMC LPC with 8 GTH per mezzanine
  • RTM connector with 16 GTH lanes
  • USB3.0 routed to the panel
  • SD CARD slot accessible from the front panel
  • out of crate power supply and communication connector
  • GTR routed to PORT2/3, internal SATA connector and USB3.0
  • flexible power supply based on programmable Exar converters.
  • embedded JTAG debugger, MMC update channel and dual console over single USB
  • JTAG switch with AMC, USB, RTM and FMC support


This module can be used for building control and measurement systems in MTCA standard. In particular, it is tailored to the requirements of fast hard real time systems with multi-channel processing and White Rabbit ultra-precise time synchronization. Use cases include control systems for large research infrastructures.


More technical information:


We offer electronics engineering consultancy services, including: custom modifications of hardware, custom firmware and gateware modifications, system design, integration and testing.

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