White Rabbit Switch by Creotech
The White Rabbit Switch by Creotech provides sub-nanosecond accuracy and picoseconds precision of synchronization for large distributed systems.
Order nowWhite Rabbit Switch allows for deterministic and reliable data delivery. WRS allows you to precisely time-tag measured data and lets you trigger data taking in large installations while at the same time using the same network to transmit data. White Rabbit Switch works on a distance range over 10km using optic fiber and allows to connect thousands of nodes in the network.
Technical Parameters
Front Panel
- 5 SMC connectors (1-PPS input and output, 62.5 MHz output, 10 MHz input)
- 18 cages for Gigabit SFP transceivers (connected to Xilinx GTXs)
- 10/100 Ethernet management port (connected to ARM CPU)
- Mini-USB UART management port (connected to ARM CPU)
- Power and Status LEDs
- Link and Act LEDs for each SFP cage
Back Panel
- 2x Mini-USB UART debugging port (connected to ARM CPU and FPGA I/O pins)
- 2x cooling fan
- 2x microswitch, power button
- 1x grounding connector
Programmable resources
- Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA (LX240T FFG1156)
- ARM Atmel AT91 SAM9G45 CPU – 400MHz
Clocking resources
- 1x Low-Jitter Clock Generator (Synthesizer 28-683MHz TI CDCM61002, used as DMTD offset clock in WR Switch HDL)
- 1x 25MHz VCXO, FRETHE025 controlled by DAC with SPI interface (AD5662 16bit 2.7-5.54V, used to drive CDCM61002 generator)
- 1x 25MHz VCO controlled by DAC with SPI interface (AD5662 16bit 2.7-5.54V, used to drive AD9516 generator)
- 1x 25MHz XO oscillator FNETHE025 (main FPGA clock)
- PLL – 14 Output Clock Generator with Integrated 1.6 GHz VCO (AD9516, clock signals for Xilinx GTXs, µTCA connectors)
- 1x Internal Oscillator (VM53S3-25.000, tuned to follow WR master clock or followed in Free Running mode)
- 64MB DDR2
- 256MB NAND
- 8MB boot flash
- Linux – kernel v3.16.38
- Timing – WRP daemon (node discovery, etc.) PTPv2 daemon
- 1x protocols (multicasting, spanning tree, GMRP/-GARP)
- VLAN Tagging
- SNMP switch management
- 1x FPGA JTAG connector
- 1x ARM JTAG connector
- 2x I2C multiplexer (PCA9548A)
- 1x I2C GPIO driver (PCA9554PW, driving Power and Status LEDs on the front panel)
- 9x I2C GPIO driver (PCA9554PW, driving LEDs for each SFP cage)
- Power supply 100-240VAC, 2.0A, 50-60Hz input, 12VDC, 6.66A, 80W output
The White Rabbit Switch is a central element of a White Rabbit network for ultra-precise time and event distribution and was designed as a part of the White Rabbit project at CERN. It can be used for sub-nanosecond time synchronization of control and measurement systems distributed over large (multi-km) distances.
More technical information: https://www.ohwr.org/projects/wr-switch-hw/wiki
We offer electronics engineering consultancy services, including: custom modifications of hardware, custom firmware and gateware modifications, system design, integration and testing.
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