

Top space companies and agencies, including ESA, choose us as their trusted partner.


We are a prime integrator and small satellite manufacturer based in Poland, providing turnkey microsatellites based on our HyperSat platform as well as custom space systems. With engineering at our core, we take pride in the fact that our space subsystems have performed exceptionally well in more than 40 space missions to date.


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Space heritage

Our HyperSat Eagle microsatellite platform gained space heritage (TRL9) in August 2024 during the EagleEye mission on SpaceX Transporter-11, followed by HyperSat Kestrel in 2025. The electronic subsystems designed and manufactured by us have successfully performed in multiple commercial (e.g., ICEYE-X2), research (e.g., OPS-SAT), and beyond-LEO scientific missions, reaching as far as Jupiter’s moons (JUICE). Learn more below.

Turnkey Space Solutions

We specialize in designing customized space missions tailored to our clients’ specific needs. Our comprehensive solutions cover all aspects of the mission, including technology, legal compliance, and operations. This allows you to focus on your core business objectives while we take care of the details.

ECSS standards and industry’s best practices

As the saying goes, space is hard. To make it easier, we build on the best practices established in the space industry, both old and new. We follow tailored ECSS standards and have achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification for the design and manufacture of electronic devices and Earth observation services. All our flight hardware is assembled on-site in a dedicated ISO 7 cleanroom.


Experienced team

Our team, working on advanced satellite projects, is made up of experienced specialists and engineers, including former NASA and ESA employees. Additionally, it is supported by Creotech Instruments’ broader research & development team, consisting of engineers with extensive experience in working with complex electronics.

All our space systems have operated flawlessly – a track record we are dedicated to maintaining in future missions. This success is the result of a talented team of over 240 individuals employees (and growing!).

40+ space missions

Over 40 space missions launched, including 5 for ESA

13 years

13 years of innovation in the market

7+ HyperSat satellites

Over 7 HyperSat satellites in progress

240 experts

Over 240 engineers, scientists, and experts on board


We created the HyperSat modular microsatellite and minisatellite platform to serve a variety of clients and mission objectives. The culmination of many years of Creotech Instruments' experience.


Adaptable to Your Needs

Our satellite platform can support you whether you’re aiming for Earth observation, in-orbit technology demonstration, communications, security, science, exploration, space logistics, or something else altogether. From a ~16U CubeSat equivalent to a microsatellite over 150kg – HyperSat can do it all.

Satellite as a Service

We can deliver a complete mission, enabling our customers to focus on their objectives. Let us guide you through the entire process, from defining the mission design, to mission registration, payload integration, and launch. And even beyond – we are eager to support you in mission operations from our own Mission Control Centre, seamlessly integrating into your operational model.

Space at arm’s length

We bring space closer to your reach by combining the best practices from both established and emerging industries. By adhering to the highest quality standards (ECSS), we aim to increase efficiency and reduce costs. Additionally, we leverage the New Space approach, utilizing Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components and agile engineering management practices.


Proof of our experience and knowledge are the space missions we take part in:

  • mars-6254436_1280

    The EXOMARS mission - searching for life on Mars

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    The ASIM project - the first space contract for ESA

    As part of the global effort to hunt out risky celestial objects such as asteroids and comets, ESA is developing an automated telescope for nightly sky surveys.

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    PROBA-3 will make research of the Sun's corona possible

    As part of the global effort to hunt out risky celestial objects such as asteroids and comets, ESA is developing an automated telescope for nightly sky surveys.

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    SAT-AIS-PL - the first Polish industrial satellite

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    Earth's early warning system NEOSTEL

    As part of the global effort to hunt out risky celestial objects such as asteroids and comets, ESA is developing an automated telescope for nightly sky surveys.

    Read more

Products & Services

Our portfolio includes a wide range of standard products as well as customized solutions tailored to your needs. Feel free to contact us to discuss the details.

Turnkey Solutions

Turnkey solutions are comprehensive services that include the design, implementation, delivery, and deployment of a fully operational product or system. The client receives a ready-made solution without the need for further involvement in the execution process.


Thanks to its modularity, the Hypersat platform scales with your mission needs. New subsystems can be easily added thanks to the use of SpaceVPX standard with a backplane supporting 3U and 6U formats. Hypersat is based on COTS components and is free of ITAR restrictions.

Hypersat 1HU Hypersat 1HU

Nanosatellite bus, intended for use in constellations, capable of orbiting in close formation. Compatible with CubeSat instruments. Features a dedicated monopropellant (HTP) propulsion system. Power: 20 W (orbit average power), communication: 1Mbps S-band, spacecraft pointing accuracy: 30”, size: 10 cm x 40cm x 40 cm, mass: 10kg. Current TRL: 4 (functional verification)

Platforms Hypersat 3HU

Microsatellite bus, intended for use in constellations or as a single satellite. Optimized for commercial and scientific missions, e.g. as a stable platform for space telescopes. Power: 35W (orbit average power), communication links: 1Mbps S-band and 50Mbps (downlink)
X-band, spacecraft pointing accuracy: 30”, size: 30 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm, mass: 40 kg. Current TRL: 6 (technology demonstration in relevant environment)

Hypersat 5HU Hypersat 5HU

Microsatellite bus, intended for use in constellations or as a single satellite. Optimized for Earth Observation missions, both at LEO and VLEO. It can be equipped with a selection of chemical and electric propulsion systems, including a dedicated HTP engine. Power: 65 W (orbit average power), communication links: 1Mbps S-band or 50Mbps X-band, spacecraft pointing accuracy: 30”, size: 50 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm, mass: 60 kg. Current TRL: 5 (reduced-scale verification in relevant environment)

Manufacture & Integration Services

We regularly manufacture and integrate components and subsystems for a wide variety of clients. This includes both engineering models and final flight models.

technologie kwantowe
AIT Assembly & Integration Services

We offer assembly & integration services for satellite missions in a dedicated ISO 7 (Class 10,000) cleanroom, equipped to enable assembly and testing of individual elements of space electronics, as well as integration of satellites weighing up to 150 kg.

Electronics Spacecraft Electronics Manufacture

Various electronic subsystems produced at Creotech Instruments have already been successfully flight-validated. TRL: 9 (flight proven)

Harness Harness Manufacture

We can manufacture main and/or auxiliary harnesses to ESA standards. Several harnesses produced at Creotech Instruments have already been successfully flight-validated. TRL: 9 (flight proven)


We offer a wide variety of subsystems, at various Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), which can be customized to fit with your satellite architecture.

Power Supply System Solar Panels

We offer design and manufacturing services for custom solar panels with the following features: structure mounted or deployable, high efficiency triple junction cells, up to 80W per panel, reverse bias protection, configurable cells connection – multiple cells in series or parallel, high radiation resistance, atomic oxygen resistance, temperature sensor can be added on demand. Current TRL: 6 (full-scale demonstration in relevant environment)

Power Supply System Battery Management Subsystem

We offer a scalable battery management module with the following features: 80Wh capacity with 8S1P configuration; 3-5 year lifetime depending on depth of discharge and battery cycles; included battery charge controller and balancer; overcurrent, overvoltage, undervoltage, under discharge protection; RS-485 interface; unregulated 28V nominal voltage; stackable battery packs. Current TRL: 6 (full-scale demonstration in relevant environment). The picture shows a prototype.

Power Supply System Electrical Power Subsystem

We offer a scalable electrical power subsystem with the following features: configurable number of MPPT modules, capable of operating with our solar panels, power conditioning and distribution unit in the form of SpaceVPX module, single strain or fully redundant system, up to 200W power throughput, unregulated 28V, regulated 12V and 3.3V outputs, included LCL protection, compatibility with electric propulsion systems. Current TRL: 6 (full-scale demonstration in relevant environment)

Thermal Control System TCS Design

We offer design and manufacturing services for thermal control systems: we assist to select best TCS solutions: heat pipes, heaters, radiators, experience with several coating solutions: paint, anodizing, MLI, assistance in thermal vacuum testing,. Current TRL: 6 (full-scale demonstration in relevant environment)

Thermal Control System MLI Manufacture Services

We offer full support in design and assembly of Multi-Layer Insulation for space missions: up to 16 grounded layers, assembly with adhesives, velcro attachment to the spacecraft. Current TRL: 9 (flight proven)

Command System Onboard Computer

We offer an onboard computer subsystem with the following features: spaceVPX 3U form factor, multiple SpaceWire interfaces, ARM microcontroller with 100Mhz clock, 128MB operational memory, 64GB for data storage, 8MB non-volatile FeRAM memory for application image, software port of RTEMS operating system with board support package and drivers, current. TRL: 6 (full-scale demonstration in relevant environment)

Command System CCSDS Engine

We offer a CCSDS engine with the following features: spaceVPX 3U form factor; spaceWire, LVDS, RS485 interfaces for communication with bus and radio modules; fully compliant with CCSDS communication standard; data encryption and authentication; up to 50Mbit throughput. Current TRL: 9 (flight proven)

Harness Harness Design Services

We offer full support in the design and manufacture of spacecraft harnesses for space missions: support in harness design for fully space qualified or COTS based projects; harness design for high power/ high throughput/ low level signals (shielded). Custom harness configuration possible, experience with internal/external harness (atomic oxygen resistance etc.), compliance with industry standards (ESA/NASA/custom tailoring). Current TRL: 6 (full-scale demonstration in relevant environment)

Ground Support Equipment Electrical Ground Support Equipment

For each our subsystem we offer an electrical ground support equipment for testing and integration. We can also provide EGSE for custom subsystems with following capabilities: EGSE testers/ subsystem simulators; spaceWire, LVDS, RS422/485, UART, I2C, CANbus and custom interfaces possible; analog signals (sensors, power, load simulators); flexible architecture based on our Sinara products; python API. Current TRL: 8 (flight qualified)

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